Themes We Work On

Madhya Pradesh is a nutrition-sensitive state. Several problems afflict the state due to the poor nutrition indices, especially that of children and women.

Madhya Pradesh is a nutrition-sensitive state. Several problems afflict the state due to the poor nutrition indices, especially that of children and women.

The Constitution is the foundation of the country. The preamble of the constitution tells us what the dreams of nation building were after independence.

Vikas Samvad has been playing a role as a research and documentation centre since the past two decades building capacities of the grassroots workers and people.

Institution Building
Civil society organizations play a major role in India. Given the current situation in the country, their role becomes even more relevant today.

Digital Democracy
Internet had rapidly changed the world for everyone. Governments are trying to use the Internet to reach services to rural and remote areas.
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Vision and Mission
Establish an egalitarian and a healthy society that is democratic in its nature and disposition and secures freedom from all forms of poverty.
- In collaboration with like-minded social institutions and individuals and pursuing initiatives in evidence-based collective integrated action and leadership development in the society, facilitate in bringing about people-centric policy changes.
- Develop people-centric perspective amongst the core civil society institutions including communication systems
- Bring Constitutional Values in Practice.
Resources for Development

Data for India’s Development
A comprehensive, yet compact and coherent primer, it provides different sets of sources for facts and figures and enables social development practitioners collate and analyse the sets of data in their social development studies and practices.

Poster on Constitutional Values
A poster of far-reaching importance. It is based on resource-generation, full of multi-coloured illustrations and visuals. It is expected to enable a cross sections of people understand Constitutional values, their systems and practices in a very popular format.

Constitution: Key Facts and Rationale
A painstakingly digged out, well-contextualised and finely knitted perceptive compendium, developed by our team leader Sachin Kumar Jain, on the journey of making of the Indian Constitution with all extensive deliberations and discursive thought processes.
Our Reach
Stories of Change

छोटी जोतों से बनी बड़ी रिश्तेदारी की पहल
झारखंड के गुमला जिले के जरजट्टा गांव के सोमेश्वर भगत एक समय पर 10 रुपए के लिए भी मोहताज रहे, लेकिन अब उनके पास 500 रुपए रहते हैं…

सूरज की ऊर्जा से आ रहा है किसानों के जीवन में उजाला
झारखंड के गुमला जिले के जरजट्टा गांव के सोमेश्वर भगत एक समय पर 10 रुपए के लिए भी मोहताज रहे, लेकिन अब उनके पास 500 रुपए रहते हैं…

पोषण बाड़ी बनी स्वस्थ जीवन का आधार
बात थोड़ी पुरानी है लगभग डेढ़ साल पुरानी है, काम के सिलसिले में मैं पन्ना के रानीपुर गांव में 12 सितंबर 2021 को गया था तो एक घर में एक छोटी सी…
News from the Field

वृक्षारोपण सर्वोत्तम उपहार है: शिव नारायण सिंह
उमरिया जिले की ग्राम पंचायत अमडी अंतर्गत ग्राम अगनहुडी में सामाजिक संस्था “गूंज” दिल्ली, के सहयोग से विकास संवाद एवं शासकीय प्राथमिक…

समुदाय ने स्कूल भवन की बाउंड्री बनाई
शिवपुरी जिले के शासकीय प्राथमिक विद्यालय सहराना जाखनौद का भवन 2018 में बना था। इस विद्यालय की बाउंड्रीवॉल नहीं बनी थी, जिससे बच्चों को…

Ensuring NFSA for Everyone through Social Audits
The social audit process was designed to increase knowledge of and demand for entitlements to food and nutrition…