Our Journey So Far
Vikas Samvad has been focusing on knowledge generation exercises in Hindi language. In this process, the organisation has produced 77 titles, which include manuals, primers, study reports, beginners’ series, etc. Vikas Samvad has circulated a total 95,000 copies of these publications till now.
Expert Guidance
Vikas Samvad has published a series of booklets being used in PoshanSamvad under the guidance of Dr. Sheela Bhambal (Professor Emirates, Gandhi Medical Collage). Along with that we have been conducting trainings on nutrition and child health, which are also guided by Dr. Vandana Prasad (Paediatrician and Ex. Member of NCPCR) and Dr. Veena Shatrughna (Deputy Director (Retd.) National Institute of Nutrition).
Providing a Comprehensive Database
Insightful data analysis for the communicators. Vikas Samvad produces information packs on various issues with an objective that most of the reports and analysis are not used or accessed by the communicators because of its language and size; we make briefs of those reports by extracting local context in a perspective so that is it used by the people. Along with that VSS
Studies and Research Work
Vikas Samvad undertakes research studies on a regular basis. Till now we have conducted studies on ICDS, PDS, NREGA, Forest Rights Act, Corporal Punishment, Status of Right to Education, Status of Malnutrition, Nutrition Budget Analysis, Child Health Budget Analysis, Child Trafficking, tourism and child exploitation, Impact of displacement on children, Displacement and Cultural Identity, Migration and Society, Traditional Food Security Systems, Status of Health Systems in MP etc. These studies are conducted with a motive to give push to our advocacy actions.
Research Fellowship
Vikas Samvad is giving fellowship to the mainstream carrier communicators since 2004 regularly. A total of 81 Researchers have been felicitated through these fellowships, which are given on food security, entitlements, right to education, social exclusion, migration etc.
Network of Communicators
We have an informal network of writers, researchers, thinkers and communicators. This network organises forums at district, regional, state and sub-national level on a regular basis.
Research and Documentation
Vikas Samvad conducts research studies on various issues. It has conducted studies on traditional food security systems of indigenous communities, status of malnutrition among dalits and tribals, assessment of situation of homeless people, status of implementation and access of ICDS, child rights and displacement, status and aspects of migration in Bundelkhand, displacement and its impact of cultural identity, etc.
Training and Capacity Building Programmes
Vikas Samvad is organising and facilitating training programmes since 2003 on the digital literacy, nutrition security, public health systems, right to information, Forest Rights Act, process documentation, etc. Vikas Samvad has organised over 150 training programmes till date; and along with that VSS has facilitated 250 training programmes for other organisations and networks in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttrakhand, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Orissa and Jharkhand.
Support to Field-based Organisations
As a mandate, Vikas Samvad supports organisations for bringing their voices on state and national level through fact finding and case study documentation, also by facilitating interface activities between organisations and larger platforms.
Poshan Samvad
With the support of International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Vikas Samvad is at present is engaged in an intervention naming “Poshan Samvad”, a intensive dialogue exercise with the frontline workers in the area of Health and Nutrition with the support of local governance.